
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Go Green with Fashion

Today there are many ways to GO GREEN  ....... Now be Fashionable about it!!!!

Donating your little-worn items to a thrift store or consignment store is obviously an easy, green way to go. I also like passing on old favorites to people I know will love them and wear them as much as I have. You can even get some friends together for a closet  Swap, with everyone bringing a pile of old, but fashionable, good-conditioned clothes that are ready for a new home.

  Another one of my favorite ideas is cutting up a few different favorite items and combining them
to make something new. Maybe you love the design on a certain T-shirt, but it's too threadbare to wear in public anymore. Cut off the design and sew it into a new T-shirt, or even onto a collared shirt or a hoodie for something old and something new. Do you have a cardigan that just doesn't get you as excited as it used to? Sew some lace around the hems, or spruce it up with a couple handmade rossettes. And, voila! You have something new without buying something new.

             If you are buying something new, but still want to limit your fashion impact, there are plenty of ways to do that, too. Stick with organic fabrics, like cotton, and companies, like Fair Indigo that provide fair trade merchandise. You can even get vegan shoes designed by Natalie Portman!
Still skeptical? Take a little trip over to TreeHugger for "7 Reasons Why You Should Care About Sustainable Fashion."

~ I bet you feel like a better person already. ~

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